Friday, May 10, 2013

Seeing the Light...

Well, we are finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. In many ways, much of our process is done, in other ways, the real work is yet to be done. To date, we have all of our paper work turned in and all of our meetings completed. Our assessor is currently working on our home study report and will submit it to her boss in the next week or two. Once approved by the agency, Joel and I will give it a once over and check it for any errors. Then it will be submitted to the state :) While all of that is going on, I will be working on our e-profile and photo book that will be distributed to potential matches. I have already submitted the text for approval and got back some great feedback. I'm working on the images now and am wishing I paid a little more attention in my Digital Photography during my undergrad...10 years ago...yikes :/ I wish I lived close to my brother, Clint, he's not only great at this kind of stuff, he is even more detail oriented than I am!

Once our home study is complete, we will be able to apply for some matching grants and scholarships. In the mean time, our awesome friends had an idea to put together a yard sale to help us raise some funds. The weather is finally getting nice again (well, not today, it's totally raining!) so hopefully we can have it soon.

The question we keep getting asked is..."When do you think you will have a baby?!" Of course we have no idea what will happen, but logistically, the earliest we are looking at is August. With Joel being gone in San Antonio for the month of July, it pretty much makes anytime before then impossible. With that said, God is certainly capable of doing the impossible! We are growing more and more excited each and every day.

We hope this update finds you all well! We appreciate your continued prayers and support :)