Saturday, March 16, 2013


So thankful for a restful and productive day!! Joel and I spent some much needed time together. We did some shopping, got some Starbucks and went for a nice scenic drive with Brady in tow :) When we got back Joel studied for a bit and I knocked out a few items on our adoption to-do list. Later we completed one of our "online classes" and then hit Lowe's to buy some goodies we needed for our fire inspection. Now we are watching Skyfall and just relaxing. Wish we could have more days like this!!!

I'm especially thankful for my wonderful husband today. I am so proud of how hard he works for us and am so thankful for his kind and generous heart. He is already a great hubby and I know he is going to be a fantastic father. I can't wait!!!

Sending lots of love!!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

One Down, Two To Go...

First of three visits with our adoption assessor is in the books!!! We were very excited to meet our assessor today and really see where we were at in this process. I knew everything was going to be great the moment Brady jumped on her (and nearly knocked her over), to which she replied what a cute puppy!!  

She was very friendly. We actually laughed a lot! We basically went over every detail of our lives for the last ten years. It was painfully long to report every place of residence, job, school etc. I was almost embarrassed about how many times we have moved in the six short years of being married. Oh well, they all seemed like good ideas at the time. YOLO! I know, no one cool says that anymore... that's why I say it :)

She left us feeling very encouraged. She also let us know that this was going to wrap up fairly quickly, possibly as soon as mid April! Craziness!!!!! Unfortunately, there is MUCH to do from now until then. Time is sparse these days. Joel and I were thinking of taking a short trip to Chicago or Pittsburg over Spring break, but now we are going to be watching training videos and writing summaries to prove we watched them. Yippee :/ 

Starbucks is still great. I finally feel like I semi-know what I am doing. I know, it's not rocket science, but there is A LOT of things to remember... All with a smile, I might add. The customers are great, my partners are even greater. I love meeting new people and sharing with them the reason for getting this job. 

As always, thank you for partnering with us in prayer as we continue on this journey!
Sending our love,